Goliath Technologies asks Why do most IT departments struggle to manage Citrix & VMware Horizon deployments effectively?

IT spends millions of dollars and years of worker-time so their workforces can work anywhere, anytime, on any device, securely. And a huge chunk of that investment is in VDI from Citrix or VMware Horizon, both on-prem and in the cloud.
As a result, IT, you’ve delighted your end-users with a super high-performing, super reliable end-user experience, right?
Sadly, IT is often in the doghouse, reacting and responding to rising end-user gripes about glitches and bugs that can arise from so many sources it’s almost impossible to keep tabs on them. Instead of investing time and money in future enhancements to better stabilize, simplify, and speed the user experience, you’re burning those resources putting out endless fires.
Care and Feeding of VDI
You’ve invested in technology from great vendors – and wisely, too. The challenge is this: how do you invest in the proper care and maintenance of your tech stack from Citrix or VMware to ensure success for your projects and your end-user experience?
Implementing Citrix or VMware Horizon isn’t a “one and done.” You don’t just make it happen and move on. You’ve taken on a beast that needs to be fed with new apps, more integration, upgrades, and performance improvements to quiet those service tickets. And how often do your end-users wait patiently while you get this all sorted? And what about them, anyway? Maybe a careless action or bad habit or two or three will also impact performance. An audio file running in the background, multiple instances of the same app, hidden behind window after window.
And do you know what’s worse than end-user complaint tickets? No user complaint tickets. After a while, users become apathetic to performance issues and no longer bother filing a ticket. They take their complaints to the hallways – and then they burn you on the year-end survey.
Feeding the VDI beast is tough. It’s always hungry, and never satisfied.
The Answer: Proactive Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Goliath Technologies provides software to help IT break out of reactive mode, into proactive mode.
Our customers running Citrix or VMware Horizon are getting faster, more reliable end-user experiences today. And they’re doing it because we’ve given them the visibility and intelligence to anticipate, troubleshoot, and prevent performance and availability problems across their hybrid IT environments. We give them visibility beyond the VDI stack which empowers them to find more answers. Take healthcare, for example, we can give visibility not only into Citrix and VMware Horizon but across all major EHR systems (Epic, Cerner, MEDITECH and Allscripts).
Our embedded intelligence and automation enables them to dynamically discover and see a dependency map of the entire IT infrastructure delivery layer, so they anticipate performance issues before they impact their users. And Goliath provides an end-to-end view across Citrix or VMware Horizon with granular metrics that equip them to troubleshoot and resolve issues in hours, not days. By leveraging objective evidence in the form of reports and analytics, they’re diagnosing root causes and collaborating with management, cross-departmental counterparts, and vendors to fix what breaks and prevent future problems.
This can happen for you, too. Your latest Citrix or VMware Horizon project doesn’t need to be at risk. You can set yourself up for success with the right tools to put proper maintenance and care into your hands. To learn more, check out this video from Penn National Insurance and listen to what they have to say about how Goliath Technologies saved their virtual desktop initiative.