Analyze HDX Bandwidth Video Demo
How to Analyze HDX Bandwidth with ControlUp 6.0
ControlUp 6.0 introduces new HDX session bandwidth related columns.
The Analyze Network Issues package consists of three unique scripts:
- Analyze High Latency Issues delivers a breakdown of the Protocol Latency column into all the phases between the XenApp/VDI machine and the end user device, using the tracert.exebuilt-in-windows command.
- Analyze HDX Bandwidth – following the release of ControlUp 6, which extends the protocol bandwidth metrics to HDX sessions as well as PCoIP sessions, Analyze HDX Bandwidth drills down to provide the breakdown of the HDX protocol into its virtual channels.
- PCoIP Bandwidth Usage Details – in ControlUp 5 we released a new column named Protocol Bandwidth for PCoIP displaying the session bandwidth in kbps. PCoIP Bandwidth Usage Details was introduced in March 2016 and provides a breakdown of the PCoIP session bandwidth into its virtual channels. See our previous blog for more details.