Citrix releases Workflow Studio 2.5
This is cool, I kind of thought Citrix had pulled the development plug on WorkFlow Studio, one of the products that I really digg!
In this release, Citrix has runtime information is stored in an SQL database instead of an XML file. As a result of this performance improvement, information about jobs executed on a runtime as well as deployment history is lost when you upgrade to Release 2.5.
Her is a quick overview of what’s fixed in this release:
- Streaming Profiler should be installed before XenApp activity library is installed [1163]
- Incorrect error message supplied when an activity is bound to a “Get” activity that returns no objects [1116]
- After a Workflow Studio Designer crash, you cannot add XenApp activities until you clear the cache [1160]
- XenApp New Application activity parameter requirements vary based on selected Application Type [1141]
- XenApp Profile Application activity does not support shared path for Profile Directory [1164]
- XenApp Streaming Profiler cannot be installed if Streaming Profiler client is already installed [1102]
- Wrong message displayed in installer if activity libraries are already installed [1125]
- Default Computer Name value for the Active Directory Create Computer activity is invalid [1177]