Citrix Remote PC Demo
All new Remote PC brings secure mobility to existing deployments of PCs and laptops. In this example, the consumer of the solution can BYOD to gain instant, secure, like-local access to their corporate image already deployed to an endpoint. From the office, to a meeting, back to the office, a moment in the hallway or continue working at lunch, a walk by the lake; Remote PC makes the transition to desktop virtualization seamless for the end user, and adminless for the IT group. The new Remote PC Service connects users to their own PCs without the burden of IT using a console and eliminating the helpdesk as part of the deployment process. When combined with desktop virtualization technologies already in the FlexCast portfolio (like streaming), centrally delivered desktops with like-local access becomes a reality. For more details, contact your Citrix representative or partner. Music courtesy of The Vespers “Close My Eyes”.
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