Liquidware Labs Partner Info
Innovative Desktop Virtualization Company Led By Virtualization Industry Veterans & Experts
Founded in 2009, Liquidware Labs is an industry leader and pioneer in desktop virtualization solutions for next-generation physical and virtual desktops, including VMware View®, Citrix® XenDesktop, Red Hat® and Microsoft® Windows®. The company’s innovative and award-winning products include Stratusphere™ FIT and Stratusphere™ UX for desktop visibility; ProfileUnity™ with FlexApp™ and FlexDisk™ for desktop portability; and Flex-IO which supports IOPS acceleration in non-persistent VDI environments. Learn more about the Liquidware Labs Difference.
The company’s executive team is comprised of veteran technologists who lead the discussion on VDI best-practices in the virtualization community.
Liquidware Labs provides comprehensive User Environment Management, Application Layering and User Experience Monitoring in one convenient and extremely affordable suite known as Essentials, which includes ProfileUnity with FlexApp and Stratusphere UX.
With the Liquidware Labs solutions suite, you can gain the following advantages today:
- Our desktop management bundle, Essentials, offers the most comprehensive features set on the market today at the best price. No other vendor offers a desktop management suite that provides the spectrum of advanced features provided in this bundle.
- No “rip & replace” of existing platforms, infrastructure or software. You just extend what you have to get more value from your IT investments.
- Our solutions work synergistically so you don’t waste time and money integrating multiple vendor solutions.
- Our solutions are easy to install, easy to configure, and easy to use, so you achieve practical results almost as soon as you deploy them.
- No need to build out expensive and redundant back end systems
- Our solutions are platform-agnostic and work with VMware, Citrix and Nutanix platforms as well as Microsoft Windows physical desktops.