A look at the new features for Citrix EdgeSight 5.4
Citrix EdgeSight is designed for IT Operations Directors, Application Owners, and IT Personnel who need to monitor and proactively manage application performance across the XenApp, XenDesktop and physical endpoint environments.
Citrix EdgeSight manages application performance and availability where it matters most – at the business user level. By providing a direct line of sight across networks, servers, databases and desktops, EdgeSight goes beyond traditional device and network monitoring tools to improve application visibility. This consolidated view of application performance as experienced by the user, gives IT the necessary tool-set to lower costs, reduce downtime and improve service delivery.
The Citrix EdgeSight product line provides the real time visibility necessary to test, deliver and monitor the performance of virtualized applications, virtual desktops, physical desktops and web based applications ensuring the best end-user experience.
This release of the product includes the following new features:
- EdgeSight Agent support for XenApp 6.5 for Windows 2008 R2. The EdgeSight for XenApp 6.x Agent x64 5.4 is supported on both XenApp 6.0 and XenApp 6.5 for Windows 2008 R2 systems.
- Support for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2.
- Reporting on user/device license usage in the license trend and usage reports available on the Track Usage tab.
- The ability to export a list of user/device licenses currently checked out from a selected license server. The User/Device License Listis available on the Track Usage tab.
- The addition of advanced EdgeSight Agent properties used to throttle the number and frequency of event log message alerts for each log type (Application, Security, and System).
Important: Note that EdgeSight Server 5.3 requires SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008. If you are upgrading EdgeSight Server from a release prior to EdgeSight 5.2 using SQL Server 2000, you will also need to upgrade your SQL Server installation.
Note: If you are upgrading EdgeSight Server from a release prior to EdgeSight 5.2, note that support for the EdgeSight Virtual Desktop Agent is not enabled by default. To enable support after upgrading, open the EdgeSight Server Console and go to Configure > Server Configuration > Settings and set EdgeSight for XenDesktop Support to On.
New and Revised Reports and SQL Views
The User/Device License List is the only new report included in this release. There are no new SQL views, but the vw_lsm_archive_license_statistics (License Server Monitor Archive) SQL view was revised to remove unused fields and add fields related to user/device license data. The following fields were removed: license_type, grace_period, component_list, subscription_advantage, overdraft_protection, days_to_expire, and perm_license_count. The following fields were added: total_user_count and total_device_count. Use of the revised SQL view requires EdgeSight Server 5.4 and Citrix License Server 11.9.
EdgeSight Agents Supported for Upload to EdgeSight Server
Only the following agent types and versions are supported for upload to EdgeSight Server:
- EdgeSight for Endpoints 5.2 or higher
- EdgeSight for Virtual Desktops 5.2 or higher
- EdgeSight for XenApp 5.2 or higher
- EdgeSight for XenApp 6 Agent x64 5.3 (64-bit) running on XenApp 6.0 systems.
- EdgeSight for XenApp 6.x Agent x64 5.4 (64-bit) running on either XenApp 6.0 or XenApp 6.5 for Windows 2008 R2 systems.
A list of fixed issues in Citrix Edgesight 5.4
Download Citrix Edgesight 5.4 here ( requires a valid mycitrix.com account )