Citrix releases Personal vDisk 7.0.1
Personal vDisk is now more robust to environment changes. Virtual desktops with personal vDisks now register with the Delivery Controller even if image updates fail, and unsafe system shutdowns no longer put the vDisks into a permanently disabled state.
What’s new in Personal vDisk 7.0.1
In addition, the following issues in Version 5.6.13 have been fixed in this release:
- Changes to a group’s membership made by users on a pooled virtual desktop might be lost after an image update.
- Image updates might fail with a low disk space error even if the personal vDisk has enough space.
- Some applications fail to install on virtual desktops with a personal vDisk, and a message is displayed that a restart is required. This is due to a pending rename operation.
- Symbolic links created inside the master image do not work on virtual desktops with personal vDisks.
- In environments that use Citrix Profile management and personal vDisk, applications that examine user profiles on a system volume might not function properly if profile redirection is enabled.
- The inventory update process fails on master images when the inventory is bigger than 2GB.
- Image updates fail with error code 112 and personal vDisks are corrupted even if the vDisks have enough free space for the update.
- The resizing script fails for catalogs with more than 250 desktops.
- Changes made by users to an environment variable are lost when an image update is performed.
- Local users created on a virtual desktop with a personal vDisk are lost when an image update is performed.
- A personal vDisk may fail to start if an Update Sequence Number (USN) journal overflow occurred due to a large number of changes made to the system after an inventory update. To avoid this, increase the USN journal size to a minimum of 32 MB in the master image and perform an image update.
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