Citrix XenApp Migration Tool How to Video
The XenApp Migration tool allows you to migrate your XenApp 6.x IMA database settings to XenApp 7.6. The XenApp 6.x Migration Tool (the migration tool) is a collection of PowerShell scripts containing cmdlets that migrate XenApp 6.x (6.0 or 6.5) policy and farm data. On the XenApp 6.x controller server, you run export cmdlets that gather that data into XML files. Then, from the XenApp 7.6 Controller, you run import cmdlets that create objects using the data gathered during the export.
New in this release
The latest version ( December 2014 release (version 20141125) ) contains the following updates:
- Exporting applications and policies from a XenApp 6.0 farm has been introduced as an experimental feature. If you encounter issues using the migration tool on a XenApp 6.0 farm, report them to the support forum, so that Citrix can investigate them for potential improvements to the tool.
- New packaging – the file now contains two separate, independent packages: and To export from a XenApp 6.x server, you need only To import to a XenApp 7.6 server, you need only
- The Export-XAFarm cmdlet supports a new parameter (EmbedIconData) that eliminates the need to copy icon data to separate files.
- The Import-XAFarm cmdlet supports three new parameters:
- MatchServer – import applications from servers whose names match an expression
- NotMatchServer – import applications from servers whose names do not match an expression
- IncludeDisabledApps – import disabled applications
- Prelaunched applications are not imported.
- The Export-Policy cmdlet works on XenDesktop 7.x.