XenDesktop VDA’s Fail with Unable to Connect Error
When starting XenDesktop 5 or 5.5 from the Web Interface screen, the following error message might be displayed:
“An error occurred while making the requested connection”
Upon examining the broker logs, the following error message is displayed:
“The Citrix Broker Service failed to validate a user’s credentials on an XML service.
Verify the trust relationships between your domains.
Error details:
User: ”
Error: ‘AccessDenied’
Message: ‘ID only credentials received but TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort=false’”
Web Interface logs the following error message:
“The Citrix servers do not trust the server. This message was reported from the XML Service at address https://localhost/scripts/wpnbr.dll [com.citrix.xml.NFuseProtocol.RequestAddress].”