Citrix Virtual Channel Driver 1.0 Tool
This tool provides the ability to pass the end client information to a XenApp application in XenApp / XenDesktop environments. The tool creates a virtual channel between a XenDesktop VDA and a XenApp server session. The virtual channel driver on the VDA monitors the status of client connections and sends notifications when a client connects or disconnects to the VDA. XenApp applications can use provided APIs to collect end client information or status.
Install an ICA client before installing VDCLNTINFO.msi on the XenDesktop client. The current release of the vdclntinfo setup does not have dependency checking, and requires the ICA client to be installed first.
Installing Virtual Driver Channel
- Install an ICA client before installing VDCLNTINFO.msi.
- Install VDCLNTINFO.msi.
- Kill wfcrun32.exe if it is running.
How to Test Virtual Driver Channel
To Verify that it is working:
- Copy ctxclntinfo.exe to a XenApp Server.
- Connect to a XenDesktop that has VDCLNTINO.msi installed.
- Launch a XenApp CMD session or a published desktop from the XenDesktop VDA.
- Run ctxclntinfo.exe. It should output the client name and IP address.
- Run ctxclntinfo.exe /loop. It will wait on client connect/disconnect notifications.
- You can now disconnect from the VDA and reconnect to the VDA from a different client. The demo application outputs the new client information.
Click here to learn more and Download the Citrix Virtual Channel Driver 1.0 Tool