Citrix XenDesktop 7.1 HDX 3D Pro GRID K2 Demo 3Dmark
In this video, Citrix Technology Professional (CTP), Alexander Ervik Johnsen of demos the latest XenDesktop 7.1 release and shows the user experience with NVIDIA GRID K2 and Citrix XenDesktop 7.1 HDX 3D Pro.
The VM is running Windows 8.1 virtualized on XenServer 6.2 Service Pack 1 (SP1). XenServer 6.2 and vGPU Technology + NVIDIA GRID K2. A big thanks to NVIDIA!
The VDI(Windows 8.1) have a NVIDIA GRID K2 GPU pass-through.
The Demos shows 3Dmark benchmark software running various tests to stress the GPU.
Also, please note that this test has been done on a regular shared wifi. The wifi has a speedtest at 40/5 mbit
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