Microsoft April 2010 security updates have passed Citrix testing
Microsoft’s April 2010 security updates have passed Citrix testing (the updates are listed below). The testing is not all-inclusive; all tests are executed against English only environments and issues may still be found upon implementation. Follow best practices for testing and installing software updates/patches in a development environment before implementing the updates in a production environment.
Where applicable, the updates were tested on Microsoft Windows XP, Window Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2003 platforms with Citrix Presentation Server / XenApp and other Citrix products.
Internet Explorer |
980182 |
Windows |
981210 |
SMB Client |
980232 |
Windows Kernel |
979683 |
Office Publisher |
981160 |
MPEG Layer-3 Codecs |
977816 |
Windows Media Player |
979402 |
Microsoft Visio |
980094 |
ISATAP Component |
978338 |
Visit the Microsoft Security (TechNet) page to view Microsoft security updates.