Problem with Citrix XenClient logon after upgrade from RC2 to 1.0
Now, since I posted an upgrade video of the Citrix Synchronizer yesterday, I wanted to share some knowledge that I have been troubleshooting for about an good 20 minutes now.
When booting up my XenClient 1.0 that was upgraded from RC2, I now get an error stating:
Error: ‘Could not get ID of the user’ when Logging on to a XenClient 1.0 Device Upgraded from RC2 which is Registered with a Synchronizer
Well, after doing some searching and digging on the Internet I came up without any good explanation to the problem…
So, I did a visit to the support pages for XenClient and there it was!
So, here is what you need to do:
Unregister your upgraded XenClient device from Synchronizer.
Using the steps below causes the following actions to occur:
- Disassociates your downloaded virtual machines from the Synchronizer; that is, it converts them to local standalone virtual machines.
- Unregisters your upgraded XenClient device.
At the end of the steps, you can access your local virtual machines and re-register your XenClient client device with a version 1.0 Synchronizer. At which point you can choose to upload your virtual machines again.
- Start your XenClient device and when the XenClient image on the boot-splash appears, press ESC.
- Using the arrow keys, scroll down to the boot option XenClient Technical Support Option: console access. If you receive an error message stating “An error has occurred on this launch or the previous”, ignore it and let the boot process complete.
- On the login prompt, use your root account and password that you set up during installation of XenClient.
- Run the following command, and note the IP address. You need this later to log on to your XenClient device using SSH.
ifconfig brbridged - Reboot your XenClient device and allow the regular boot process to complete by running reboot.
- Using an SSH client, SSH into your XenClient device using the IP address you noted in step 4.
- Log on to the XenClient SSH session.
- Copy and paste the following commands into your SSH session one by one, pressing Enter after each command.
SHUTDOWN_VMS=”managed_vms.each { |vm| vm.shutdown() rescue nil if vm.running? }”
UNMANAGE_VMS=”managed_vms.each { |vm| vm.unmanage() rescue nil }”
GET_VMS=”managed_vms, local_vms = xenmgr.get_all_vms.partition { |vm| vm.is_managed }”
sed -i “s/\($SHUTDOWN_VMS\)/\1\n$UNMANAGE_VMS\n$GET_VMS/” /usr/sbin/bed-deregister
bed-deregister –f
For the complete support article from Citrix Support click here