Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity easily migrates users to Citrix XenDesktop in as little as three seconds
Citrix XenDesktop Migration from Windows XP, Citrix Presentation Server, Citrix XenApp in Seconds
Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity easily migrates users to Citrix XenDesktop in as little as three seconds!
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Citrix XenDesktop User Migration in Three Seconds!
Here is how easy it is to migration hundreds, thousand, or tens of thousands of users to Citrix XenDesktop:
1) During install, place the ProfileUnity executable to an accessible server in your existing desktop infrastructure.
Additional info: The domain controller is suggested but not required. Any path where clients have read access to the .exe. No software is ever installed on desktops. A Group Policy setting runs the .exe over the network at login.
2) Set ProfileUnity’s user Portability settings to make the user profile available in any version of Windows.
Additional info: ProfileUnity seamlessly supports any version of Windows XP/2000/Vista/7 and makes moving back and forth from V1 profiles to V2 profiles seamless to end-users. The data is always kept in Windows native format, there are no databases or shell Windows experiences to manage or be locked into. User profiles are fully compatible with Citrix UPM.
3) Use ProfileUnity to migrate local documents and files.
Additional info: ProfileUnity can be set to perform a background synch of user documents and files. Network transfer speeds can be adjusted with built-in throttling options.
4) When your XenDesktop environment is built, simple have users logon to XenDesktop and the user is instantly migrated to XenDesktop (in as little as three seconds).
Additional info: Their user profile from their legacy Windows experience is made available and their previous documents are ready to use! Users can seamlessly log back into their old environment or any other Windows environment and their user profile and data is instantly made available.